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  • Mauris consectetur tempus enim et aliquam sem interdum sit amet, fusce placerat justo sed orci euismod vel egestas sapien.
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Off-the-shoulder striped silk-crepon mini dress. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis amet voluptas assumenda est,...
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Nam tristique porta ligula, vel viverra sem eleifend nec. Nulla sed purus augue, eu euismod tellus. Nam mattis eros nec mi sagittis sagittis. Vestibulum suscipit cursus bibendum. Integer at justo eget sem auctor auctor eget vitae arcu. Nam tempor malesuada porttitor. Nulla quis dignissim ipsum. Aliquam pulvinar iaculis justo, sit amet interdum sem hendrerit vitae.

Un-ordered list

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Maecenas ullamcorper est et massa mattis condimentum.
  • Vestibulum sed massa vel ipsum imperdiet malesuada id tempus nisl.
  • Etiam nec massa et lectus faucibus ornare congue in nunc.
  • Mauris eget diam magna, in blandit turpis.

Ordered list

  1. Maecenas placerat, mauris et semper vulputate, sapien magna viverra mauris
  2. Vestibulum ipsum urna, vestibulum sit amet lobortis sed
  3. Sed hendrerit libero sit amet nibh egestas at pretium velit
  4. Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

In cursus faucibus tortor eu vestibulum. Ut eget turpis ac justo porta varius. Donec vel felis ante, ac vehicula ipsum. Quisque sed diam metus. Quisque eget leo sit amet erat varius rutrum vitae dapibus lectus. Vivamus et sapien ante. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce in tellus est, ac consequat lacus. Nulla risus massa, commodo in imperdiet ut, ornare in leo.

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Purchasing & Delivery

Before You Buy

To avoid delivery day disappointments, measure the area you plan to place your new furniture in, as well as the furniture you have selected to purchase, before placing your order. Also measure any doorways (height and width) through which the furniture must pass to get to its final position in your home. Identify any delivery obstacles – is there enough ceiling clearance? Will the furniture clear the stairway or elevator? Can the piece be maneuvered around any right angles? Because of our commitment to providing you with outstanding customer service.


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Warranty Information

Limited Warranties are non-transferable. The following Limited Warranties are given to the original retail purchaser of the following Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.Products:

Frames Used In Upholstered and Leather Products
Limited Lifetime Warranty
A Limited Lifetime Warranty applies to all frames used in sofas, couches, love seats, upholstered chairs, ottomans, sectionals, and sleepers. Ashley Furniture Industries,Inc. warrants these components to you, the original retail purchaser, to be free from material manufacturing defects.

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Dust or wipe clean with a cloth dampened with water once a week. Be sure not to leave water spots on the surface. These water spots will dry and could possibly leave permanent marks.

Clean stains/spots using the following steps: Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent. Wring the cloth as much as possible to remove excess liquid. Rub the surface lightly in a circular motion. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft towel.